Mercury and Jupiter Conjunction: A Solution You’ve Been Looking For
On March 28th, the small planet Mercury meets up with the giant planet Jupiter in what is known as a conjunction. A conjunction (when two planets come together) brings together the two planetary energies to produce a unique effect.
Mercury is to do with our thinking, how we figure things out, and day-to-day activities.
Mercury is currently moving through the fire sign of Aries, which can bring clarity and focus in our thinking and the way we manage our day.
Jupiter is to do with wisdom, expansion, and luck.
Jupiter is also currently in the sign of Aries, which encourages us to try something new even if it involves a risk.
With Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries, you may find that you come up with a solution to a problem that you have been facing. The solution may require you to move out of your comfort zone or try something new.
However, Mars — the planet that rules Aries — is currently in the sign of cautious Cancer. This makes us reluctant to initiate any changes and we are likely to assess the risks involved in terms of personal comfort and security. Home and personal life may be key concerns in this period (till May 20th, 2023).
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries can bring an unexpected insight that brings clarity to a situation. With Mars in Cancer, we may prefer to take small steps and approach things patiently.