Thoughts on Virgo
There’s a full moon in Virgo today
There’s a full moon in Virgo today. It comes just before the beginning of the new astrological year, which begins a few days later as the Sun begins a new zodiac cycle.
At the time of this Virgo Full Moon, here are some thoughts on Virgo as a zodiac sign and what it represents.
While Virgo is portrayed as being finicky and perfectionist, this does not do justice to Virgo in its entirety.
Whether your sun sign is Virgo or you have a strong Virgo influence in your birth chart, you may relate to some of these things. In any case, we all have Virgo in us. We have all the 12 signs in our birth chart.
Virgo is particular about the little things. It is also concerned about cleanliness and health. But there is more to Virgo.
Virgo is about attention to detail, attention to work, handling the practicalities of real world living.
And it is also more than that.
It is about discernment — sorting, choosing and discriminating — not blindly or naively accepting. It could be exercising discernment in what we consume, what narratives we accept, or anything else where we are required to exercise our own judgment.
There are a lot of negative associations with judgment, as it is equated with being ‘judgmental’. But judgment is critical. It’s the ability to say, “Okay this Netflix show is rubbish, I’m going to look for something better.”
Virgo uses its incisive thinking to analyze and decide for itself. It sharp thinking also helps us with things like planning and organizing. It is a beautiful function actually, without which we could not go about our daily living in this world — for everything would be fuzzy and foggy.
Virgo is associated with the harvest. It represents the fruits of efforts and the importance of daily efforts.
Virgo is very much about our work, everyday routines, lifestyle, and bodily fitness/wellbeing. So thoughts about these things may be occupying your mind a lot around this time.
Virgo is also about keeping things simple and down to basics.
Around the time of this Virgo full moon, think about where you would like to be more discerning and how this would reflect in your everyday life.
Happy Full Moon and Happy Holi!